
The Transformative Power of Alternative Augmentative Communication Applications in Speech Therapy

Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) applications have revolutionized the field of speech therapy by providing individuals with communication disorders a means to express themselves and engage in meaningful communication. In addition to facilitating communication, these applications, such as Proloquo2Go, TouchChat, LAMP WFL, and TobiiDynavox Snap, have also proven to be effective tools in helping children and adults vocalize and attempt to use their own voice during speech therapy. This blog post explores the benefits of using AAC applications in speech therapy and highlights the role of Speech Therapy For All P.C. in providing specialized training in AAC therapy.

Enhancing Communication Abilities

AAC applications play a crucial role in empowering individuals with communication disorders to express themselves effectively. By utilizing symbols, pictures, and text-to-speech features, these applications enable users to communicate their needs, thoughts, and emotions, bridging the communication gap that exists for many individuals with limited verbal skills. Research has shown that AAC can significantly improve communication outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disabilities, Down syndrome, and adults recovering from stroke (1).

Promoting Vocalization

Contrary to the misconception that AAC applications hinder vocalization, studies have demonstrated that these tools can actually facilitate the development of speech and encourage individuals to use their own voice. Speech therapy sessions that incorporate AAC applications provide a supportive environment where individuals can practice vocalizing while simultaneously utilizing the AAC system. This approach allows therapists to target specific speech goals, such as articulation, phonological development, and language production, while ensuring that individuals can still actively participate in communication (2).

AAC Therapy at Speech Therapy For All

Speech Therapy For All is committed to providing comprehensive and evidence-based therapy for individuals with communication disorders. The organization recognizes the importance of AAC therapy in maximizing communication potential and has made it an integral part of their training program for therapists. All therapists at Speech Therapy For All P.C. undergo specialized training in AAC therapy, equipping them with the skills and expertise to effectively utilize AAC applications in their sessions.


  1. Beukelman, D. R., & Mirenda, P. (2013). Augmentative and alternative communication: Supporting children and adults with complex communication needs. Paul H Brookes Publishing.
  2. Light, J. (1988). Interaction involving persons using augmentative and alternative communication: State of the art and future directions. Augmentative and Alternative Communication, 4(2), 66-82.


Alternative Augmentative Communication applications have revolutionized the field of speech therapy by providing individuals with communication disorders a means to effectively express themselves. Contrary to popular belief, these applications not only facilitate communication but also encourage individuals to vocalize and use their own voice during speech therapy sessions. Speech Therapy For All P.C. recognizes the transformative power of AAC therapy and ensures that all therapists are trained in effectively utilizing AAC applications, enabling individuals to reach their full communication potential. By embracing the use of AAC applications, we can empower individuals with communication disorders to have a voice and actively participate in society.